When are we reading this? Should I use we, since were the same person? Are we the same person? How much have I changed? Anyway, I'm just going to address me as you. When are you reading this? Has it been a day since I've written this? A week? A month? Possibly a year? Maybe every time I read this, I should add another paragraph for the next Shamroy in need of some help? Sounds like a good idea to me. Or is it us?
Sorry for going off on another tangent, let's get to the point. Unlike what Drake has led you to believe, if you're reading this, it's actually not too late. You're having a problem coding. Still using Javascript? No matter, programming roadblocks aren't language specific. Take a deep breath, all your life you've had to deal with unforeseen problems and you always come out on top, you've got this. You're not a failure, you've just failed. Everyone fails, it's nothing new. Do you know what's even going on? Identify the problem. This is important, so I'll say it again.Identify the problem. Now find out what's causing the problem. Logging the results and what's causing the results is a good idea. You need to see what is and isn't working. When you find the problem get to Googling, someone else has problem had this problem before. If that doesn't work, try different things. You need to have a growth mindset, failure is inevitable. What's important is working with that failure to progress. There's never one correct answer. You're persistent and optimistic, you never fully lose hope. Never change.
As a developer I have several goals, some more important than others. One of my goals is to impress those around me, changing any misconceptions they may have about myself and coding. Maybe I can get them to give coding a shot, and if they like it I can teach them a few things. It'll be interesting to see if coding gives them some direction in life, like it did with me.
In the near future, I'd like to either work at a big tech company or at my own startup. It doesn't really matter to me, as long as I get to meet new awesome like minded people and improve my programming skills. Currently, I have a few game and app ideas, which have left me with some questions. What is the typical workflow for a developer? Like how do they start making their idea more than just an idea? Is there a template I should fill out when it comes to games and apps?